Tuesday, January 6, 2009

We, The Tam Brams - The lost lot?

Where are we in our elements? In Tamil Nadu, we are ashamed of our own status, while the noose called ‘reservations’ tightens around our collar. In Mumbai, we try to lose ourselves in the midst of Gujjus and the Marathi manoos. In the US we manage to build a few temples / communities and man, are we proud! The rest of the world is an escape into oblivion!

Branded Idli vada sambhar and thayir saadams of the world, we are tagged “intellectual types”. Education given top priority, but told we lack the risk appetite to enter the entrepreneurial arena. Stuck between chanting the traditional slokams and fitting into the new age cultural plethora, we are a new set of gyanis with absolutely no clue what to do with all the gyan.. So we give away our gyan to the entrepreneurs or more boldly to the venture capitalists and hope somewhere to break ground and make it big. Hope a few of us really change the trend (not me!) and show some originality.

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