Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Right Vision!

( A friends wondering made me think:
"Sometimes I wonder" http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=107842160083&f&index=0 )

It always pays to ponder.
To each his own, be it the goal or be it the pursuit itself.
Happiness is an absolute state of mind. But I do not believe that you cant be ambitious without having to give up your core goodness and happiness.
Many do believe that ambition dies when there is satisfaction / contentment and satisfaction is what brings happiness. But to me, ultimate happiness is something which remains even in tough times when all is not going well. When the going gets tough, one draws upon the inner strength and optimism.

When you believe in “Ask and it shall be given unto you,Seek and you shall find. Knock and it shall be opened unto you ” you can do what you want to do without an ounce of doubt that it will ultimately lead you to your vision of yourself, there is no reason to be unhappy. It is just a matter of time and effort, which are self motivated.

The hurdles don’t trouble you anymore because they are to be expected, though they cannot be predicted. Every experience is a process of growth. Ultimately the belief and vision of what you want to be will find ways to materialise into your life. Just that many a times, we don’t clearly see what we want to be, visualise the wrong things and hence end up being the dissatisfied person that we visualised. So its all about the right vision!

So I guess for me its.. dare to dream and see your dream being constructed in front of your eyes into reality with nothing but your faith.

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