Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Change is the only thing that's permanent !!

A couple of my friends and I were having a conversation about Sun Signs today at CCD. It reminds me of a time when the only Sun Sign I detested was Gemini! I used to think they are superficial, promiscous, dual personalities and that I was the superior Taurean.. 'head firmly on my shoulder', adamant (I admit), fiercely loyal, trustworthy, blah blah blah..

Well, imagine my shock when a year back it came to my knowledge that the ascendent in my birthchart is the dreaded "Gemini" and that I am significantly influenced by these traits too. Horror is not the word! I am pretty ignorant about astrology and I hardly know much but that is what I am told and it dint go down well with me.

Now I come to the point about why I mentioned this here.. Being the analytical, ever self-inquiring (sometimes a bit too much!!)person that I am, I just had to disect myself! I am quite surprised when I look at my interests over my lifetime.. I keep moving from one to another. I am ever so fascinated by new things.

Perhaps the reason I love technology too. Is anything more dynamic than technology? Ever changing versions and upgrades throw challenges which you can master, use and throw away.. only to move on to the next.

The second evidence of my resistence to stagnation is the ever changing scene in my "hobby life".. I love music on and off, love dance on and off too.
Since almost five years now, another small bud of a hobby was waiting to blossom at the back of my mind. And it's finally coming out and blooming now.. thats ID- Interior Designing. When I walk across malls, it may be posible to hold me back from clothing/perfume stores or entertainment arenas. But try pulling me away from a home decor store.. well not possible. I love them. A long time ago, I started drawing layouts for houses.. as a hobby!! Now I have started an e-learning course on ID..

Now thats what prompted me to write this blog.. I discovered a hidden interest in me..

This only makes me sure of one thing. Everyone is dynamic. When I can discover something new about myself after 29 years of existence on Planet Earth, can I really claim to know anyone completely? Never! Keep discovering the Movers and Shakers(!!) that make up our world.. Cheers!

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