Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Divine Will

From the little window of a railway carriage I peep,
A single rock at the top of a hundred boulders, piled in a heap;

A delicate balance of which our lives seem to be imitations,
Is it a mockery of our limitations?!

Each pebble plays its part to make the hill, yet
What keeps them standing together through the ages, can anybody bet?

What is the pebble without the mighty hill?
But alas, it is but the pebbles that make up the hill!!

What keeps them together, will we ever know?
Who is He who runs the whole show?

Call it Mother Nature or call it God's Will;
Fools call it coincidence, after all they too are given a will!


Unknown said...

its pretty decent. a little rough round the edges but that'll come with time. usage of right words at the right places, but not to worry, as long as they sound good to u they're good. after all they're ur thoughts right? ha! look at me critiqing someone else's work! that'll be the day. keep at it. good work. insightful.

Ranjani said...

Hey, im glad you found it worthy of your criticism…
After all, a good critic is hard to find ..
So keep giving ur honest opinion.

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