Well well…. After almost a fortnight an’ a half, I manage to blog! And look what I am writing about... boredom!!! Hey but blog or no blog, work or no work, boredom doesn’t seem to have many triggers, contrary to popular belief.
I am the last person who should be bored. I have lots to do. I have lots to be excited about too (Psst…. I am moving back to my city- Mumbai, after a very short, a little sweet and a little sour stay at Gurgaon). I am in for loads of packing and a grand welcome by family at Mumbai. I should be excited. For most, I am too. But the intermediate fortnight has become the space for little pest Boredom to creep into.
So what do I do? BLOG, but obvious. But since I am coming back to my keyboard after what seems like eons, my fingers are a bit jammed up. So what is better than to be honest and say so. Hence these talk about jamming or lets say, the B-word- “boredom”.
And mind you, it’s contagious. I apologize for not sounding the warning earlier. I am sure you are as bored as I am…. after reading this blog!! HA-HA… I passed it on!! And voila!!! I am CURED!!! HAHAHA….. Boredom perpetuates!!!!